My books

Sales Success Formula Design Thinking: A Customer-Centric Way to Sell

Sales Erfolgsgarantie ein Buch von Peter Dern
Unlock Lasting Sales Success: A Customer-First Revolution! This book shows you how to use the Design Thinking innovation method in sales to not only enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction but also sustainably increase your financial success. Through practical examples from sales projects around the world, you will learn how to:
  • understand your customers' needs much better and make them the focus of your sales strategy,
  • develop innovative solutions together with the customer through co-creation,
  • recognize the value of your solutions and position them profitably and successfully.
The book also gives you tips on how to become more efficient in your customer interviews and in finding solutions with the help of artificial intelligence. In addition, successful sales professionals Regina Buhler (Software AG), Jonathan Winter (Pure Storage), Matthias Vogt (OpenText) and Martina Groth (ADP), as well as the CEO of Hyrise, Dominic Blank, share their experiences with design thinking in sales in exclusive interviews and provide valuable insights into how this approach has revolutionized their work. Sales Success Guarantee is a must-read for every sales professional who wants to align their sales with the needs of their customers and achieve sustainable success in an innovative way.

101 Remote Collaboration Hacks: Fun, Energy, Trust - Connecting People in the Virtual World

101 Hacks für virtuelle Workshops
Imagine entering a room full of inspired people who are developing ideas together, overcoming obstacles and making a difference. The energy is palpable, the creativity is bubbling. Everyone feels like they belong and are valued. This is exactly the feeling you want to bring to your virtual meetings. But instead, there's a bored crowd sitting in front of their screens, just waiting for it to be over.

Clever durchs Leben: Die Geheimnisse des klugen Denkens und Handelns

Clever durchs Leben - Buch von Peter Dern

Entdecke die Geheimnisse des klugen Denkens und Handelns!

Dieses Buch ist dein ultimativer Leitfaden, um bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen, Manipulationen zu erkennen und selbst einflussreicher zu werden. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen aus Sozialpsychologie und Neuroökonomie bietet „Clever durchs Leben“ wertvolles Wissen und praktische Tipps, die dir helfen, dein volles Potenzial zu entfalten und ein glücklicheres und erfüllteres Leben zu führen.

Egal ob du als junger Mensch gerade anfängst, dein Leben zu gestalten, oder ob du als erfahrener Profi deine psychologischen Fähigkeiten verbessern möchtest: „Clever durchs Leben“ wird dir helfen, bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen, Manipulationen zu erkennen und selbst einflussreicher zu werden.

"Von den Besten lernen"

Der Podcast der Bildungsbranche


This German podcast is for anyone working in or interested in education and training, looking for inspiration and new ideas, wanting to learn from the best to take their own business or career to the next level.

In each episode, we delve into the world of these visionaries and find out who they are as people and leaders, what makes them and their companies unique, what their personal secret of success is. And hear exciting, bizarre or thought-provoking anecdotes from everyday life in the industry.

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